January 24, 2008

Cemetery Weddings

8-8-8 (August 8, 2008) promises to be the most popular wedding date for those getting ready to tie the knot. As the result, it is almost impossible to find an appropriate venue for the event. The most creative of us are discovering a perfect Existing Alternative… cemetery.
And why not?

  • Most cemeteries offer beautiful rolling green background for pictures
  • Some of the older graveyards have ancient chapels that are (almost) purpose built for such an occasion
  • Some places offer emotional connection for the newlyweds, especially if one of the parents happen to be buried there
  • And there is definitely some goth appeal to it.

Using cemeteries as a wedding venue is still a bit odd, but it seems to be picking up steam. Spring Grove cemetery in Cincinnati, OH actually published a wedding policy on their website.
Or how about this fully themed cemetery wedding in Berea, OH as reported on Offbeat Bride… (Really not sure why there are so many Ohioans going for the shadows…)
All in all, everyone has their own reasons, but they are definitely successful in uncovering true Existing Alternatives.