January 27, 2008

How does one select a candidate

The battle rages on in the United States – on both sides of the aisle candidates are fighting for the chance of standing in the biggest election of their life. Most of them are great people undoubtfully trying to do the best for the country. The main question remains, how should individual voter chose their candidate.

The easiest choice of course is letting others decide. Stay and home, enjoy re-runs on TV and hope for the best. In our opinion, unless you have some higher moral objection to the democratic process, staying on the sidelines puts responsibility for all the mistakes made by other voters on your shoulders.

The route chose by most is, in our opinion, just as irresponsible. It appears that most voters simply follow the polls and try to vote for the person who is most likely to win. It is obviously great to be able to pick the winner, but then again, is it really your choice.

As always, there are Existing Alternatives out there! The first step is to figure out where does one stand on issues. The most critical issues affecting the United States right now appear to be:

  • The state of economy,
  • Situation in Iraq,
  • Illegal immigration,
  • And cost of healthcare.

Before making a decision, one should be very clear where does one stand on each of those. The next step is easy: figure out which candidates reflect your ideas most.

Luckily there are tons of Existing Alternatives out there to help. Our favorite this election season is, Glass Booth, which focuses exclusively on the issues that are important to you.
There is always an extensive collection of political selectors at Select Smart. This site is always on the forefront of intelligent decision making. By the way, they also provide means to create any kind of custom selectors – highly recommended.
And finally there is Know Before You Vote, somewhat partisan, very pro-Ron Paul issues only comparison chart.

Please enjoy responsibly and make intelligent decisions. …and keep on the lookout for Existing Alternatives.