February 14, 2009

... waiting for someone else to defend you

In today’s world we learned to rely on the outside help for pretty much everything in our lives, be it food, jobs, and even security. It is amazing to see people from other countries demanding that foreign governments send their troops to resolve their internal problems.

Sometimes you see hundreds of capable young men from distant countries on major intersections of Western cities demanding “justice” and action on part of our governments to protect them from their local dictator of sorts. One would think that if they were able to organize themselves to protest, they just might as well march back home and take the issue into their hands. If history taught us anything, dictators only strive on the apathy of their objects.

In recent news, we hear that citizens of a small town of Bangadi in Congo, constantly being harassed by rebels, have discovered an Existing Alternative to waiting and pleading for help. Of course, they started off calling Congolese army and UN. What they soon discovered is that Congolese army is mostly composed from former rebels and UN troops are too few and slow to respond. The only alternative they had was to mobilise themselves. They picked up anything that could be used as a weapon, kitchen knives, sticks and rocks and marched out to meet the rebels head on. Guess what, it worked. While the rebels continue to terrorise the surrounding country, they are leaving the town alone.

Strangely enough, a new threat appeared in the form of Congolese troops, who arrived recently and demand provisions from the impoverished town cut off from its fields and pastures.

What an excellent lesson in self-sufficiency and reliance. Our heart goes out to those fighting for their homes and families as opposed to those demanding for someone else to do the fighting.