March 16, 2008

The Right Way to Fill up

Don’t you hate those chain emails with some crazy advices or bogus rumours? We are trying our best to filter them out, but some do still get through. Recently we received an email regarding gasoline buying. While the story in the email did not make any sense, it did contain some advice that actually sounded credible. So we considered it worthy being an Existing Alternative to the way we fill up.

  1. Fill up your car in the morning. This way the gas you buy is at its coldest, which makes it denser. As a result, you are getting more gas for your money.
  2. When filling up, do not squeeze the nozzle the hardest. This way you do not let the gasoline evaporate as fast and escape while filling.
  3. Look for the station, when your tank is half full. This way, you give less chance to gas to evaporate.
  4. Don’t fill up right after they filled the station with new gas. This stirs up all the residue at the bottom of the holding tanks, thus leaving you with a very dirty mixture.

While we don’t endorse these advices, they do seem credible, and, at worst, would not hurt, but might actually provide you some benefit. If you do see anything wrong with them, please let us know, so we can quickly correct it.