Current presidential election in the United States produced a number of creative campaigning methods. Traditionally, candidates ran TV ads, sent out direct mail pieces, appeared in debates, kiss babies and shook lots of hands. Ron Paul’s campaign machine uncovered a number of Existing Alternatives to traditional campaigning. We are not just talking about his record breaking Facebook and MySpace profiles. Rather, we are talking about what has been christened as Ron Paul Air Force. Activists at Liberty Political Advertising take it to the air to promote the cause of Freedom. They hired first a blimp and later airplanes with banners displaying messages spreading awareness of Ron Paul’s Revolution.
The best part is that Liberty Political Advertising claims to be a for-profit marketing organization not associated with Ron Paul’s campaign. They do collect financial contributions from supporters in form of purchased advertisement. This way, the contributions are not counted towards campaign rules’ limits. Now that is a true Existing Alternative: (a) Use existing methods creatively, (b) legally circumvent imposed rules, (c) make money in the process.